Welcome to Week 2! 

We all had a wonderful first day of school, it was so great to have all our children excited and eager to start the 2020 school year.


Thank you to the parents and whanau who sent their child’s school stationery to school on Friday.  We will be using the new books this week, it would be much appreciated if all children could please have their books at school.


It is still incredibly hot!  It is very important for ALL children to have a sunhat.  If your child does not have a sunhat then they will not be able to play outside.  St Mary’s school sun hats can be purchased from the school uniform shop or from The Warehouse.  A reminder to make sure all school uniform is clearly named, this includes sandals and sun hats! All the teachers in Kakano support the children to always put their belongings back into their bags or cubby holes as soon as they take them off. This is obviously a learning curve but hopefully we will all know how to look after our property in a couple of weeks!!

Book Bags:

All children took their book bag home on Friday with their poem books inside. This book bag is to come back to school everyday with the books inside! This week we will start taking simple books home that you can support your child to read. Some children will start getting word walls and small phonics cards in their book bags to start learning. They will also all have a name practice chart that can be kept either in their book bags or at home. A daily reading log will also go home where you can record what they have read at home and make a small comment. Teachers may also write a small comment in their reading logs for you to read at home.
Thank you for helping your child with this simple homework task 😊

What’s on this week:

Wednesday 6pm - Hamilton Diocese Commisioning Mass.  Please see invite below. It would be great to have some children from our class present at this special welcoming Mass for all staff from Catholic schools.


Golden Time Tug of War in our House groups (we will let your child know which House group they belong to this week).

Enjoy the rest of your day and make the most of this beautiful summer weather.  I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning.



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