Term 1 Holidays

Holiday Blog

We have certainly had a trying Term 1, it is hard to believe we are all shut off from everyone and having to use digital technology to communicate with the outside world.

We would like to thank you all for supporting us as we develop online learning activities for your children.  The support and care we have received from our parent community makes things so much easier. 

Lexia and MathsWhizz will still be available to you during the holidays. We want to remind you that the recommended Lexia and MathsWhizz time is only 10-15 minutes PER DAY! This adds up to a total of only an hour a week. We do not expect, nor want, the children to be on their device on these programmes too much. Please also note that MathsWhizz has a usage cap; once a child has reached 120minutes for the week they will be blocked from using MathsWhizz until the next week.

The second week of the school holidays is Holy Week, this is the week before Easter and signifies important days in the Church.

We have created a resource you could use to help explain Holy Week to your child:

Holy Week Activities

Bible Stories
Helping Hand
Art Activities
Our Father
On Palm Sunday, the people waved palm branches and called “Hosanna”. 

Today, you could go outside and help weed/sort out the garden. 

Hail Mary
On Holy Thursday, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. Today, you could do a bit of extra cleaning at home to help prepare your home for Jesus.
Make a mosaic cross with coloured paper.
Glory Be
Good Friday
On Good Friday, Jesus was condemned to death.
He died for our sins.
Today you could do some random acts of kindness for your family.   
Make/Buy hot cross buns to share.

The Jelly Bean Prayer
(Attached below)
Easter Sunday is a day of celebration.
Jesus rose from the dead.
Today, your mission is to tell the people in your family how special they are.
Say thank you for all the love they show you.
We made pancakes at the beginning of Lent - maybe you could make Easter Pancakes, too.

Use recycled materials to make an Easter golf game.

As we do every school holidays, the children can complete a Holiday Reading Log. 
Once we are back at school, all children who have returned their reading log will get to enter the draw for some awesome prizes. 
You can print off the Holiday Reading Log or fill it in digitally.
Please remember to MAKE A COPY of this reading log if you are going to fill it out online. This is just a master that everyone will see. Otherwise print it off and fill it in that way OR alternatively use this as a template example and make up your own Reading Log to fill in!

Keep safe and happy over this time and I look forward to catching up with you all in 2 weeks!

Thank you for everything you do at home for your children. You are truly appreciated by the teachers :)

Mrs Mareroa


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